
En röd snurra omlindad med vitt band eller röd tråd, ett verk av Unica Zürn. Verkets titel: Quel qu’un coud, est-ce toi?

Någon rullar, kommer till ro, någon syr, är det du Lorrelou? skriver Henri Michaux i en dikt.

Någon syr, är det du? heter Helena Erikssons bok om Unica Zürn och Hans Bellmer.

from ongoing spot-writings: Walks and movements – Out In The Blue

Everything can not be calculated, for example, what is on the verge of knowing – not knowing. Prepositions stand between or in front of, support a noun or otherwise, prepositions are not enough by them selves.

I will gather and arrange and reduce and formulate all that I have attempted to formulate by living, following  associative paths for many years. My work can never and will never have the goal of bringing in profits or achieving fame.

behind -> in -> under -> over -> on – > ahead -> if -> to