Aciliyet Mektebi, SALT Istanbul. Aciliyet Mektebi ” School of Urgency” is an autonomous pedagogic laboratory space located on the first floor at SALT Beyoğlu on İstiklal Caddesi. It started with an urgent need to rethink alternative models for the current education system in Turkey. It aims to engage the existing capacity of knowledge between professionals and academic users and turn itself into a collective learning center.

Axl Books  Publisher. Axl Books ger i huvudsak ut böcker inom områdena arkitektur, konst och filosofi. Utgivning sker på både svenska och engelska och riktar sig till såväl den svenska som internationella marknaden, till akademiker och forskare såväl som den allmänne läsaren. En av tankarna bakom förlaget är att sprida, och göra tillgänglig, också forskningsnära litteratur utanför ett enbart akademiskt sammanhang i syfte att motverka framväxten av ett slutet forskarsamhälle.

BABF Bergen Kunsthall,  Bergen Art Book Fair

BAS, Banu Cennetuglo, Nihan   Istanbul. BAS is an artist run space in Istanbul initiated and run by Banu Cennetoğlu since 2006. At BAS artists’ books and publications are collected,
displayed and produced. Located at Necati Bey Caddesi No:32/2, Karaköy İstanbul.

ccap Christina Caprioli Dance Company

CODEX Art Book Fair California

DKTUS DKTUS is a platform for contemporary art and artistic research in Stockholm. The activities include research seminars, talks, workshops, film screenings, exhibitions, and other cultural events.

EFF Entrance For Film

Firework Editions   publisher

FIS Film I Samtidskonsten / Film in Contemporary Art FiS

Grafikverkstan Uttersberg

Irrlicht is an independent record label/publishing company with no profit motive. The ambition is to give the future as well as existing modern Swedish masterpiece of small limited editions, with the main focus on vinyl and paper. The books featured here is handmade in an edition of 300 copies each. Internet: Contckt:

Library of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts / Konstakademiens bibliotek


Kunsthall Trondheim

Labyrint Archive  Botkyrka konsthall

mail art Mail art (also known as Postal art and Correspondence art) is a populist artistic movement centered on sending small scale works through the postal service. It initially developed out of the Fluxus movement in the 1950s and 60s, though it has since developed into a global movement that continues to the present. The American artist Ray Johnson is considered to be the first mail artist, and the New York Correspondence School that he developed is considered the first self-conscious network of mail artists. OEI Magazine #65/2014 POSTKONST, about Mailart

OEI OEI is a magazine since its inception in 1999 have given themselves over to the conceptual operations and recontextualisations, conversations, stupidity and noise, language poetry, Canadian pataphysics and contemporary French, German and Finnish poetry … number 9-10 was devoted to the poetic potencial of alternative orthographies and Elis Ernst Erikssons writing. Number 14 was spent devoted to Gertrude Stein. In numbers 15-16 presented a historical review of William S. Burroughs’ cut-up technique, as well as diverse contemporary adaptations and transformations of procedures montage and collage. In kvadrupelnumret 18/19/20/21 triangulated the archival 616 pages between visual poetry, text and koncepuellt writing. Number 22/23 inventoried the internationelllt exponentially growing field spelled digital poetry, cyber poetry, etc. AUDIOE 2 (28/29/30) themed lights, noise, sound poetry and sonorous archeology. Number 33/34/35 tried to write about the Swedish liieraturhistorien from the perspective of nonsense, fictional language and conceptual-material readings of children’s books. Moreover, the number contained a large block of Little Magazines, a documentary and a sound piece by Bengt Adlers. Number 37-38 is an ambitious survey work on it too unexplored fields that spelled ”editorial aesthetics”. Future issues about contemporary Polish, Italian, Canadian and French poetry, for fun and games, archives and biosemiotik / biogrammatik. Through essays, poetry, criticism, translations and original texts, we want to broaden and differentiate the reflection on and work with poetry and theory, and the journal that shape today and tomorrow.

Plattan Library, Culture House Stockholm, Bibliotek Plattan Kulturhuset Stockholm

Print Press Editions   Graphic school of Art in Stockholm / Grafikskolan i Stockholm

Robinson Crusoe 398 Istanbul Bookstore established in 1994, Robinson Crusoe 389 is one of the best-known English language bookstores in Istanbul. It is located on the fourth floor of the art gallery SALT Beyoğlu on İstiklal Caddesi, and it has a wide selection of books from fiction to children’s books and art books. Anything not in store can be ordered, which the staff will be very happy to help with. As an independent bookstore, Robinson Crusoe 389 is a good choice for book hunting and interaction with locals.

Rutiga Golvet / Checker Floor Royal Institute of Art Stockholm

Walden. Film magazine

WELD Weld is an artist-driven platform for dance and the arts. The organization’s goal is to be investigative, critical and experimental. The platform seems mainly to develop and strengthen the art form and the concept of dancing and working for national, international exchanges and collaborations.